performance, 2002
camera Jim Bollansee
photograph Ronald Stoops (C) 2002
remaining installation, (215x 215x 285), palmwood, flagstones, sand, wood,
white bowl, blue pigment, footprints created on 31-8-2002, 7 to 7.30 p.m. in
SISTER S BEGUINE a group exhibition under the curatorship of Peter Morrens and
Rik de Boe, the Voorkamer Gallery, Lier(B)
performance (30 minutes): Into the transparent house, she covers up with blue and she stands humming a monotonous melody. The reading of Hadewych’s visions,a poet and writer who is said to have been a beguineor at least a religious and independent woman,was one of the reasons for this performanceseeking out the field of tension betweenphysical awareness and spiritual sensitivity.